For everyone who has been wondering where the heck I've been hiding... I've been working. A lot. I'm one of five "lucky" adjusters (from California) partaking in a company wide pilot... translation: new unit, more training, more work, less Ro. So my new unit and I met up with our Texas counterparts in Washington for one long week. Got all that?
The added training just stuffed my brain with all this amazing knowledge. Plus, it was good break from the daily grind, pant suits, and high heels.

Photo: Chuckanut Manor

Photo: See, told you it was called Chuckanut.

Photo: Lisa on the extracting machine.

Photo: Dry down races!

Photo: Me, sitting and doing nothing.

Photo: My buddy Steve! Or, as I call him, evetS!

Photo: My boss stole my camera out of my purse. That's why I have this.

Photo: Speaking of my boss...

Photo: Margaritas! Who'd of thought I'd be drinking with the boss.

Photo: My first geo cache!

Photo: Our team name was "Sham-Eaz" - we were dope.

Photo: Thom! Not Tom.

Photo: Puget Sound is emerald green.

Photo: Le gang at Deception Pass.

Photo: I was henceforth named the Flower Killer. I prefer Tulip Trimmer.

Photo: Can you find me?

Photo: Take my foot up the butt! Haha, so mature.

Photo: Management in the mock-house.

Photo: At one point, EVERYONE started dotting one another.

Photo: In a bed of my faaaavorite flowers!

Photo: Tulip Festival