Monday, July 30, 2007


Jump out of a plane? Check! There really are no words. No words. Great friends, no fear, lots of eye candy, and another dream lived. Seriously, one of the best/smartest things I've ever done in my entire life.

Click the pics to enlarge. And if I ever figure out how to get the DVD of my jump onto the mac, I promise to share! My videographer was amazing.

Photo: The gang (less Lucas)

Photo: Ricardo and I during training!

Photo: Lisa and the new guy Mike.

Photo: Seriously, Ricardo takes the best pictures.

Photo: Christian (left) was so adorable. Hot. Spicy. Australian.

Photo: Ready to board the plane!

Photo: This is my "are you taking a picture?" face.

Photo: Bye Lisa!

Photo: Weee! Meee!

Photo: Dug and I free falling!

Photo: Yeah, my face says it all.

Photo: I don't care that I'm fug in this pic, it's my favorite!

Photo: The harness did weird things to Albert.

Photo: Corny high five.

Photo: All of us! Thanks for taking pics Allison!

Sunday, July 22, 2007


Since its debut in 2005, So You Think You Can Dance has been my summer must-see! The dancers keep getting better and stronger with every new season. Below is a video of my fave Mia Michaels routine to date (to the song Elisa - Dancing). The first video is the original routine performed on the show (that Kameron Bink is one hottie with a body), and the second is a spoof that had me nearly peeing in my pants. You have to watch the first vid to get the second vid. Sooo funny!

Keri Russell

What was once a glowing mom-to-be (and the cutest, most stylish pregnant woman ever) is now a stylin' mommy! Seriously, is she that skinny? So damn cute, this one.

Photo: Ugh. Adorable!

Photo: Baby chic.

Saturday, July 21, 2007

Work/Life Update

Home from another Saturday worked. But not before I did the unthinkable.

I called my boss into his office yesterday afternoon and shut the door behind me. I explained that by the year's end, I would no longer be there. That I was ready for a new adventure - somewhere far from here. Somewhere where my skill sets could grow, outside of this department, but still within the company. His response? Completely supportive. He started with, "That makes me sad, but I won't hold you back from a job that will make you happy." I became increasingly overwhelmed and sad at the thought of leaving my team, and explained that "my plans are all tentative" and that I needed his referral in order to support a transfer request. He stated he'd help in any way he could, that I was too valuable to let walk away, and that he'll start networking for open positions this Monday. Great guy, my boss.

I'm almost excited, but don't want to get my hopes up for anything. I browse our job postings every week, and there has yet to be a position in a city I'd be willing to live in. Fingers crossed. Hopefully I'll find a new position by December.

Update: Here I am feeling all sentimental about my coworkers. Here are some pics from June - we all decided to wear red, white, and blue for flag day (Katie's Birthday). Man, these guys are awesome.

Photo: 1/3 or so of my department (Fire Company)

Photo: I switched cubicles in January to sit closer to these two.

Photo: Chinese/Jewish Daniel, my mentee. Look at my plant!

Photo: Damion. Inside joke.

Monday, July 16, 2007

Harry Potter Revisited

I seriously cannot get enough.

In the past month, I've watched Harry Potter's 1 through 4, a whopping 8 times (each of them twice). Sick, I know this - but I'm seriously addicted. Not only is every single story line pure genius in its own right, but the thought behind the fine details of every movie is mind-numbingly out of control.

Probably going to see Harry Potter & OOTP again this weekend. Harry and Ron are just so delicious.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

Updated 07/22/2007 7:36pm:
Here I am, eating my words. I took my four (slightly younger) cousins to go see Harry Potter (again) last night. I loved it twice as much as when I first saw it. When I went to see it opening night, I was so hyped up... but I actually had the opportunity to settle down a bit the second time around, and the experience was twice as brilliant. It's definitely my second favorite Harry Potter film (after The Goblet of Fire) - but I'm still sticking to my likes and dislikes below. And by the way, I bought the new book on opening day as well. I can't wait to start it!

Updated 07/18/2007 11:02PM:
In response to Kevin's recent blog entry: I thought that this movie was very good. Just because I didn't think it was the best of the five - does not take away from the fact that this installment was brilliant in its own right. While I concede that the darker tone and undertaking of the film was quite necessary and age appropriate with respect to the characters... I missed the perky magic tricks (Wingardium levi-oh-sa! Not levio-saw!) and fantasy-inspired scenery (Diagon Alley, for example). But I still loved it!

What I loved? 1. The storyline was brilliant. The actress who played Dolores Umbridge suited the part to a tee. From her mannerisms to her articulations, she truly made you hate her character (and the color pink). 2. The special effects have improved dramatically since the first movie. Rewind and watch the quidditch game in the Sorcerer's Stone, and you'll know exactly what I'm talking about. 3. I especially loved the concept of the "Order of the Phoenix Headquarters" - especially since the exterior looked exactly like the flat I used to live in! So dope. 4. While I didn't like the vision they had for the location of the Ministry of Magic (the exterior was a bit dull), I've got to admit that their elevator was pretty damn rad. As was the courtroom and crystal ball storage room. 5. Harry Potter makes out with an Asian chick. But I've already mentioned that. Oh they'd have the cutest babies.

What I thought was just 'okay'? I suppose I wanted more time for the storyline to expand. For example, what cave did Luna Lovegood crawl out of? Her character (though charming) drew somewhat of a blank. Will she serve a bigger purpose in the last two books? I'll have to wait and see (I just started the Half Blood Prince). I also wanted more time to learn the purpose served by Bellatrix Lestrange - other than to kill Sirius Black. Which, by the way, they needed to give Harry (and myself) more time to grieve over his death! I think they got a bit carried away with introducing a multitude of characters (like the "gang" from the Order of the Phoenix), and didn't give us/me time to understand wtf was going on. I also would have liked more time to understand what purpose Voldemort had in obtaining Harry's crystal ball prophecy. Maybe I'm missing something? Anyway, if they were to extend the run-time, I seriously would not mind sitting in there for 4-5 hours watching it all over again (with added scenes).

Original Post 07/11/07 7:55PM:
It was good - but it wasn't as good as the first four. I can't exactly pin-point what it was missing - but it definitely did not have that Harry Potter quality about it. There was no "attention to detail" (so to speak) when it came to the fun/magical elements that made its predecessors so enchanting. They tried too hard to mature the plot, scenery, and Harry himself! Harry Potter isn't supposed to make out with girls! But since he did, at least she was Asian. So, final verdict? Good overall (and worth seeing on opening night), but my least favorite of the bunch. Cross your fingers for a mind-blowing 6th installment.

Sunday, July 8, 2007

Too Much?

I can't seem to pin-point exactly what it is...

I guess I have a lot going on right now. My responsibilities in life continue to grow and expand, the empty pink boxes of my day planner seem to fill long before I can foresee a specific date, and work continues to be stressful and never-ending. Needless to say, I'm overwhelmed; and if I were to share my list of "shit that needs to get done this summer" - well, you'd probably call me crazy/impractical.

For some peace, I set aside one weekend per month - to detox. To schedule nothing, to respond to no one, to worry about diddly freakin squat. This weekend was my detox weekend, and yet, the knots that Maria (my masseuse) worked out on my back have resurfaced...

Life's a bit hectic/crazy/exciting right now - and I really want to stick my head above the water for a nice clean breath of fresh air.

Inhale. Exhale.