Jump out of a plane? Check! There really are no words. No words. Great friends, no fear, lots of eye candy, and another dream lived. Seriously, one of the best/smartest things I've ever done in my entire life.
Click the pics to enlarge. And if I ever figure out how to get the DVD of my jump onto the mac, I promise to share! My videographer was amazing.
Photo: The gang (less Lucas)
Photo: Ricardo and I during training!
Photo: Lisa and the new guy Mike.
Photo: Seriously, Ricardo takes the best pictures.
Photo: Christian (left) was so adorable. Hot. Spicy. Australian.
Photo: Ready to board the plane!
Photo: This is my "are you taking a picture?" face.
Photo: Bye Lisa!
Photo: Weee! Meee!
Photo: Dug and I free falling!
Photo: Yeah, my face says it all.
Photo: I don't care that I'm fug in this pic, it's my favorite!
Photo: The harness did weird things to Albert.
Photo: Corny high five.
Photo: All of us! Thanks for taking pics Allison!