I called my boss into his office yesterday afternoon and shut the door behind me. I explained that by the year's end, I would no longer be there. That I was ready for a new adventure - somewhere far from here. Somewhere where my skill sets could grow, outside of this department, but still within the company. His response? Completely supportive. He started with, "That makes me sad, but I won't hold you back from a job that will make you happy." I became increasingly overwhelmed and sad at the thought of leaving my team, and explained that "my plans are all tentative" and that I needed his referral in order to support a transfer request. He stated he'd help in any way he could, that I was too valuable to let walk away, and that he'll start networking for open positions this Monday. Great guy, my boss.
I'm almost excited, but don't want to get my hopes up for anything. I browse our job postings every week, and there has yet to be a position in a city I'd be willing to live in. Fingers crossed. Hopefully I'll find a new position by December.
Update: Here I am feeling all sentimental about my coworkers. Here are some pics from June - we all decided to wear red, white, and blue for flag day (Katie's Birthday). Man, these guys are awesome.

Photo: 1/3 or so of my department (Fire Company)

Photo: I switched cubicles in January to sit closer to these two.

Photo: Chinese/Jewish Daniel, my mentee. Look at my plant!

Photo: Damion. Inside joke.