The added training just stuffed my brain with all this amazing knowledge. Plus, it was good break from the daily grind, pant suits, and high heels.

Photo: Chuckanut Manor

Photo: See, told you it was called Chuckanut.

Photo: Lisa on the extracting machine.

Photo: Dry down races!

Photo: Me, sitting and doing nothing.

Photo: My buddy Steve! Or, as I call him, evetS!

Photo: My boss stole my camera out of my purse. That's why I have this.

Photo: Speaking of my boss...

Photo: Margaritas! Who'd of thought I'd be drinking with the boss.

Photo: My first geo cache!

Photo: Our team name was "Sham-Eaz" - we were dope.

Photo: Thom! Not Tom.

Photo: Puget Sound is emerald green.

Photo: Le gang at Deception Pass.

Photo: I was henceforth named the Flower Killer. I prefer Tulip Trimmer.

Photo: Can you find me?

Photo: Take my foot up the butt! Haha, so mature.

Photo: Management in the mock-house.

Photo: At one point, EVERYONE started dotting one another.

Photo: In a bed of my faaaavorite flowers!

Photo: Tulip Festival