So with Friday nights loss and today's amazing win, tomorrow won't be black Monday in downtown L.A. Sigh of relief! I think it's fair to say that for the rest of the season, you can pretty much turn the TV on and find a decent game. Everyone in the Western Conference is playing with such energy and gusto, making for a playoff-like atmosphere at almost every game. And if today's game provides any insight as to what the playoffs are going to be like, then wow, we're in for an amazing post-season.
To all the true Laker fans: say no to the bandwagon!
On a side note, here are photos of me with two of my closest friends at last week's Clippers' game. We had my company suite all to ourselves (courtesy of my boss)! A 12 person booth just for the three of us. Free food, free drinks, free everything.
And yes, it's the same suite as last year's Laker game - only this time, I was the invitee and not the invited. Holla!

Photo: Ayana!

Photo: Switch sides.

Photo: With my only Filipino friend, Andrew.

Photo: Suite life.

Photo: Photogen.

Photo: Can you zoom out a little?

Photo: Buffet.

Photo: Clipper nation, my ass. But it's the NBA, so I loved it.