My actual birth 'day' (August 24th) was a blast. After all, I only turn 24 on the 24th once in this lifetime. Ayana and I took the day off from work - which was a gift all in itself. She treated me to a very entertaining morning/afternoon at Glen Ivy Hot Springs. The amenities were "okay" - but we agreed that the entire experience is highly overrated. But we still had a blast.
Then came an interesting dinner with my closest friends. See, I lead a very compartmentalized life. Each segment containing a handful of friends - all of whom I never intermingle on a consistent basis. See, I like my segmented life... and the only time the worlds intertwine is on my birthday. It's interesting to see how everyone interacts with one another. What topics they choose to chat about, or what stories they highlight in order to introduce themselves. They're an amazing, and very good bunch of people. I am so lucky to have such endearing friends.
Thanks to everyone who called/texted/e-mailed me on my birthday. A special thank you to my family and friends who actually celebrated the day with me. I love you guys! And now, a picture overload!

Photo: Glen Ivy Hot Springs

Photo: With Ayana @ Glen Ivy

Photo: On our way out.

Photo: Post-nap & Pre-dinner

Photo: My faves! Ayana, Christy, Helen!

Photo: She got me baroons!

Photo: She wore her hair curly for me. She never wears it curly!

Photo: My bff and his wife (she's also a close friend).

Photo: Justin, my "play" boyfriend.

Photo: My coworker/friends Vineet and Dan.

Photo: The birthday people and Justin.

Photo: Smooth talkin Helen got the waiter to give me a badge.

Photo: Group

Photo: Yardhouse

Photo: Birthday girl and boy.

Photo: They made fun of the ribbon I made him wear. Sigh.

Photo: My men.

Photos: My bests.

Photo: Cheesin.

Photo: Right before Justin got schooled by security.