A friend of mine - who so happens to have my dream job at CBS - scored my mom and I tickets to the PCA last night. So after a quick stop at the studio, mom and I arrived at the Shrine with our excitement in tow. Being that I've been to several award shows in the past (bite me), I already knew the drill: no cameras and no cell phones with cameras, so we got through security pretty smoothly, and secured our 2nd row seats on the balcony. Now, if you've ever been to the Shrine, you can appreciate how damn close we were to the stage. Granted, we were no where near arm's length from our fave celebs, but still - we were there.
We really didn't care too much about who was to be there - except Jennifer Aniston! We're so team Aniston (Though lately, Angelina Jolie is making it really hard to hate her. In time she'll grow on me, I just know it. Not.).

Photo: Jennifer Aniston at the PCA '07