Last year, after being hired at the farm, I devised a list of things I wanted to accomplish in 2006. This list stayed constant all year – without any alterations.
My goals for 2006 (dated: November 25, 2005)
01. Pay off credit card (Accomplished)
02. Pay off Europe credit card (Accomplished, but then I used it again)
03. Fix ipod (Accomplished, but then I broke it again)
04. Fix digital camera (Sent it to the Philippines, bought a new one)
05. Buy a new laptop (Upgraded desktop and bought a new monitor)
06. Get braces (Accomplished)
07. Grow out all of my dyed hair (Accomplished)
08. Save money for a trip to Japan (Accomplished)
09. Save money for a trip to the UK (Accomplished)
10. Stay at job for one full year (Accomplished)
My goals for 2007 (dated December 22, 2006)
01. Pay off Europe credit card, again (Accomplished 2/17/07)
02. Pay off braces by April/May
03. Finish interior improvements to parent's house
04. Make exterior improvements to parent's house
05. Decide: stay at the farm and buy a car or go to grad school
06. Save money for a trip
07. Grow long and healthy hair
08. Enroll to teach Sunday School
09. Finish Old Testament of Bible
10. Lose weight to fit into bridesmaid dress
11. Purchase digital SLR
12. Go to a taping of the Ellen DeGeneres show
13. Donate [big] to a charity