The women’s conference was amazing! We ended up getting so many more free gifts than we could have imagined, and the speakers were just phenomenal. I’ll save you the glorified recap and just say that it was very very very empowering. I want to be rich and powerful more so now – not for glory, but to be an architect of change.
Maria Shriver was a phenomenal public speaker.
TJ Russert made me cry a little.
Anna Quindlen had a lot of smart things to say.
Sarah Ferguson is my future aunt. She was fabulous.
The Dalai Lama was a comedian. And put him in my pocket.
Marth Stewart was wack.
The best part was when Stacy London and Clinton Kelly (from TLC's What Not To Wear) pulled my coworker Julie up on stage (who is their biggest fan, no lie) to give her a 360 consultation! I'm glad to say that they loved her outfit. She proclaimed that with the exception of her wedding and the birth of her children, that was the best day of her life. Watch her on Time Warner cable: TV on demand!

Photo: Long Beach, CA

Photo: Hotel Queen Mary

Photo: Walking to my room, and scared.

Photo: Sun deck.

Photo: Stacy London and Clinton Kelly from TLC's What Not To Wear.

Photo: My coworker Jukie stalking Clinton Kelly.