Who? Dan, Vineet, and Rowena
What? Versailles Cuban Restaurant
When? Lunner
Where? Culver City, CA
How? By way of company car!
Why? Because I'll try anything AT LEAST ONCE.
I'm pretty grateful that food "in general" turns me on. From Lebanese to Cantonese, and everything in between. And I suppose that I have my mom and dad to thank for my non-picky take on food... all those years of telling me to appreciate what food I had because my "cousins in the Philippines are probably starving" sure paid off.
So back to Versailles...
The good? Garlic chicken served with rice, beans, and fried plantanes. They literally chop a chicken in half and serve it to you. The garlic sauce was to die for. The mom-pop environment was reassuring; it's usually the ones that look shady on the outside that totally make love to my palate.
The bad? I suggest that they serve the plantanes atop the rice, instead of next to the chicken. Something about garlic covered bananas just doesn't sit well with me.
The rating? 7/10, because it aint Mexican food.
Website: http://www.versaillescuban.com/