I took a 4.5 hour power nap after work to make certain that I’d be alert throughout the entire 11:15pm showing of V for Vendetta ~ and now it's 3am & I can’t fall asleep! Well worth it, however, because the movie was frickin' awesome. It’s funny to go back and read reviews about the movie.. because the bad ones (which make up about 30% of the reviews) are all written very poorly ~ one went as far as to describe the movie as “gay” – which, pardon me for cracking up, isn’t very professional or cohesive at all. Not at all to say that those who didn't like it don't have true respect for the arts ~ because it is, afterall, a matter of preference.. but for me personally (and 70% of the critics), I was able to appreciate all that the movie had to offer: a plot which was both different and
actually good (finally!), a twist, good acting, visual complexities, and of course, Natalie.
I can now cross this movie off of my 'to-do' list.