Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Mommy Blogs

Is it just me, or has there been an explosion of mommy-blogs? It started with The Shins circa 2004, and since then, Blogger and Typepad have been infested with very (very) proud mothers showing off the gums of their teething ten-month-old's. Well, I guess it's a bit soothing to know that the internet isn't solely exploited by perverts and MySpace junkies.

And since God knows I'm so not ready for a child of my own... I leave you with a (random) photo of the cutest child ever! I'd love to have a daughter I can dress like this one day.

Photo Credit: Sartoria List

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

February Highlights Already?

I'm nowhere near as good as I'd like to be, but I'm getting better and better with every new bruise, scrape, and bloody injury. Ryan, Dan, and I hit the slopes of Bear Mountain to have us some snow-fun. The second pic below is the 'money' shot. My shutter speed has the best timing.

No Added Chemicals

For the first time in 9 years, the amount of strands
poisoned by hair-dye equal the amount of zero.

Sunday, February 25, 2007

The OC Says Goodbye

Photo: Adam Brody

I'll admit it: for the past several years, The OC has been my guilty pleasure. Now that it's met its demise, there will no longer be weekly helpings of Adam Brody - a man who encapsulates a lot of the qualities I expect out of an alpha male. Like oh my gosh, he's like, so hot.

The series finale was satisfying - although a huge part of me wanted Mischa Barton to come back for a cameo (maybe as a dream? a hallucination?). Anyway, thank God the Cohen's got out of Orange County (after realizing it's not all it's made up to be). And unlike real-life Adam and real-life Rachel, their characters ended up getting married. Le Sigh.

Since Adam Brody is single and job-less now, he should take some down time to get to know the little people. While a part of me suggests that he become cuddle buddies with Natalie Portman, it's quite obvious that she is too good for him. But I'm not - so holla!

The New Who?

Photo: Bilson, 2007

Perez Hilton dubbed her 'The New Natalie Portman'. But as much as I love Rachel Bilson (and I love her a lot), there will never, ever be another Natalie Portman. Let alone a 'new' one. That doesn't mean we can't appreciate how unbelievably cute Rachel Bilson is - so let's!

Friday, February 16, 2007

Arts Colony

The 100th Pomona Art Walk successfully seduced the attendance of artists and art enthusiasts alike. Second street was dotted with craftsmen from all arenas of the interlocking art world, and was a place to mingle with a camera in one hand, and wine in the other.

After convincing my good friend 'Re fried' to join me for a night of music in the streets and art from head to feet, we shimmied our way down the street's narrow corridors, and found ourselves atop the 2nd Street Bistro, oogling that which is Lisa and Ash's new art loft. Vaulted ceilings, brick wall facades, and floor to ceiling windows were all a cause for me to stand there green with envy. The loft was flat out amazing! So old, and so full of character. Lisa, a good friend and coworker, scored the keys to the sprawling space just last week. It was extremely convenient to have a pit stop amongst all of the galleries and mini-concerts taking place just below our feet.

For anyone interested, Metro Pomona hosts an art walk on every second Saturday of each month. Every gallery on 2nd Street and Garey Avenue are open to the general public - for free. It has definite potential to be an entertaining night out on the town.

Photo: 2nd St. Bistro

Sunday, February 11, 2007

What is your pocket blessing?

My pocket blessing is 'a long drive' to absolutely nowhere. When I get frustrated, pissed, sad, overwhelmed, and mind-boggled, all it takes for me to calm down is a long drive. I hop in my car, drive far, drive fast, and most importantly, drive alone. It's me, my thoughts, my music, my self-rationalizing, and my prospective action plans playing out in my head. I leave my house, drive for 1-2 hours, and drive back home. Not getting out of the car once. Sometimes, like today, I'll run by a Starbucks drive through... but for the most part, it's 80 MPH down the 215 to the 91 to the 15 to the 60 to the 57 to the 10 and back home. Very therapeutic. Sometimes I get back with my eyes a bit puffier than when I left. But damn, something about a long drive - alone - at night - is all I really need. Well, that and my dog.