Sunday, February 11, 2007
What is your pocket blessing?
My pocket blessing is 'a long drive' to absolutely nowhere. When I get frustrated, pissed, sad, overwhelmed, and mind-boggled, all it takes for me to calm down is a long drive. I hop in my car, drive far, drive fast, and most importantly, drive alone. It's me, my thoughts, my music, my self-rationalizing, and my prospective action plans playing out in my head. I leave my house, drive for 1-2 hours, and drive back home. Not getting out of the car once. Sometimes, like today, I'll run by a Starbucks drive through... but for the most part, it's 80 MPH down the 215 to the 91 to the 15 to the 60 to the 57 to the 10 and back home. Very therapeutic. Sometimes I get back with my eyes a bit puffier than when I left. But damn, something about a long drive - alone - at night - is all I really need. Well, that and my dog.