I can't seem to pin-point exactly what it is...
I guess I have a lot going on right now. My responsibilities in life continue to grow and expand, the empty pink boxes of my day planner seem to fill long before I can foresee a specific date, and work continues to be stressful and never-ending. Needless to say, I'm overwhelmed; and if I were to share my list of "shit that needs to get done this summer" - well, you'd probably call me crazy/impractical.
For some peace, I set aside one weekend per month - to detox. To schedule nothing, to respond to no one, to worry about diddly freakin squat. This weekend was my detox weekend, and yet, the knots that Maria (my masseuse) worked out on my back have resurfaced...
Life's a bit hectic/crazy/exciting right now - and I really want to stick my head above the water for a nice clean breath of fresh air.
Inhale. Exhale.