Having close friendships with coworkers over the age of 40 is both fruitful and strange. Take away the age, marriage, and children factors - and we all have quite a lot in common. We have similar problems to work through, and similar insecurities to overcome. And even though I'm decades younger, they're more than willing to take advice from someone whose head isn't clouded by years of experience.
[Sidenote: and i'm hoping the day never comes when they stop referring to me as 'the kid']
The thing that gets me is this.. one minute, I'm running over to one of their cubicles to have them explain the fine details of a retirement plan. The next minute, I'm running over there to make them watch Dick in a Box. Wierd i tell you... freakin wierd! But a blessing nonetheless. They make work more than just bearable - they make it fun and worthwhile.