Wednesday, September 20, 2006


I called in sick today.

I’ve gotta admit that I’m feeling a little guilty about it – especially since I took a vacation day last Friday, took a week off in August to get my wisdom teeth pulled, and have a week long vacation scheduled next month.

I think it’s the combination of growing generally bored with work (and the routine that accompanies it) & the anticipation of where I think I’ll be in the coming months that has caused me to stay home and google.

I can’t help it! When I feel like staying home, I feel like staying home – and into bed I go! There’s something undeniably satisfying from staying home on a work day. Sitting around and doing absolutely nothing on a Wednesday completely differs from sitting around and doing absolutely nothing on the weekend. And it’s not just because I get to watch Regis, Kelly, and The View. Or is it?

I’ve already stalked a couple people on my space. Next I’ll clean my room in hopes to improve my karmic disposition (cleaning really does make me feel good). I’ll shower (eventually). Then I’ll continue on contemplating on what I need to do to be where I really want to be.

I’ll also be drugged up on Motrin for the pains that are my bottom teeth. My braces and I have a love-hate relationship.