Disclaimer: This is not meant to be a sentimental post. I can write about it because it's really funny... and i think it'll help me stop thinking about you.
Reasons why I can't be with you:
You're an elitist and that's always pissed me off.
You're still in college, therefore still have wild oats to sew.
You talk smack about UCR. Jerk.
You once asked me to make out with your friend. WTF?
You take really bad pictures that prompt us to call you "special".
I pushed you away, and I'm ashamed of that.
Reasons why I'd love to be with you:
I wanted you at first sight.
You would always wear my favorite shirt on you. For me.
You're smart, sweet, and dance really well for a white boy.
You wear cardigan sweaters.
You kiss the best. Hands down.
You wanted me, even when I wanted someone else.
You told me 'he doesn't know what he's missing'.
You held me.
You're younger, and in my book, that's hot.
Where we went wrong:
I picked him over you.
I tried to make you jealous. You tried to make me jealous.
Time began to run out, and we were finally just friends.
Then I realized you still liked me. I liked you back.
I didn't climb up to your bunk bed.
I didn't keep in touch. Now you're leaving.
Maybe in another life...