Thursday, February 16, 2006


I'm back from my trip.

Between family, friends, and all expense paid business trips (bite me), it’s safe to boldly state: the months pass too quickly.

Even now as I try to keep up with the collision of bubbling joy and boiling irate moments, I feel as though my words are stifled and forcibly propelled ~ coming off as grade-school doodle, scrawled and scattered across a plane of meaningless pages. With every taken breath, my lifeline of rapid thoughts and wishes are too much to even be uttered on this here platform. It’s difficult to construct a lyrical prose to project a striking reflection of my innermost thoughts that trace the very pattern of my life ~ the way it is right now, this very moment. So much has happened, yet not so much. My words are fragments of my road less taken… too raw to be fused together.