RIP my Averatec laptop which wasn't even 2 years old. You saw the world with me...
There's a scene in the movie Closer where Jude Law tells Natalie Portman of his love affair with Julia Roberts. As Natalie begins to leave the flat in which they shared, he desperately tries to stop her and asks, "what about your things?" She replies...
"I don't need things"
How bold. How profound that statement is.
I have a HUGE tupperware bin in the garage, safeguarding all of the tangible, sentimental goods I have accumulated during my mere twenty two years on earth (or at least the first 18). I still have the clacker (??) toy that Michael Wiley gave me in the fourth grade. Remember those clacker toys ~ cheap little toys ~ where you spun it round and round in one hand letting one ball hit the other ball over and over in the most perpetual of motions? The oranges and greens of that toy scream joyous of times at the tender age of nine. Where is Michael Wiley now? I hope he's had a good life. The clay figurine I made in Ms. Vaughn's 7th grade English class also sits in that bin ~ and I DO mean sit because I couldn't get the man-mold to stand upright, so I had to bend his legs just before the clay dried. Almost every single handwritten letter ever given to me too lies in that bin ~ with the M&M wrappers I collected in the 10th grade, dried rose petals my brother once placed in my room (no, they weren't dry then!), and even the momentos given to me by my first real love. This bin basically encapsulates who I was... am.
So they may be just "THINGS"... but they're my things. And with all of the goodbyes I will be forced to experience in life, it feels so soothing to know that there are just some things I will never have to let go of.