As social beings, we have a carnal, biologically conditioned need to test the people within our social orbit. While the idea might be a bit trite, or even an idea lacking cohesiveness, you must concede that I am not wrong in believing that it has almost become mandatory to turn almost everyone around us into our own personal lab-rats.
We “test” to confirm or reject our doubt in a person and the relationship between us and that person. And we conduct such “tests” by extracting/invoking a level of rise from our clueless subjects.
The “rise” is our method of measure. The inches and meters that magnify both an emotional unrest in activity vs. indolent emotional idleness. A measure conduced by the binary emotions of good and bad, which aid our swim into epistemological conclusiveness: yes you are devoted to me. yes you are my friend. yes you love me. or.. no, you don’t. You have failed my test. My doubt in you has been confirmed. Ennui.
At age 10, we tested our best girlfriends based on whether or not they saved us a seat in the great hall, & if they chose to stand beside you during a playground tiff. Some passed. Some failed. At 16 we tested our parents by pushing the limits: even if I know I’m to be home no later than 12am, what will they do if I stay out past 3am? At 17 we tested our boyfriends by hanging up on them during the peak of a heated argument to see if they would call back right away.. or not.
I promise that I'm not really this cynical. I just got to thinking that, basically, BS happens ~ and we want to see who's going to put up with ours.