Sunday, October 16, 2005


I can sense a turning tide in the rusting of bright leaves. The sober satisfaction spread across my face upon the sound of my foot snapping them in halves. Does this mark an end? Or a beginning?

Many insist on eking summer days & nights. They feel as though with coming breeze, comes dullness of color and staleness of air. I disagree. I say embrace the coming seasons akin to the ways in which we embrace the idea of a coming day. How can the color of crackling leaves be dull? The orange and browns that remind us of the setting sun. How can the color of fresh fallen snow be dull? A white so luminous, vibrant, innocent, and untainted. How can the air be stale when it’s the same breeze that sweeps your lover’s hair across her face. The same wind the blows afar your doubts about yesteryear and the mistakes of five minutes ago. Embrace change. Embrace the seasons to come, and the colors that make it stand out so. It’s one of God’s greatest majesties.

And with this warm embrace, so too you grasp the seasons of your life. God’s greatest majesty of all.